Historical Overview Section

The Beja are traditionally Cushitic-speaking pastoral nomads native to northeast Africa, formerly referred to as Blemmyes. A geographer named Abu Nasr Mutahhar al-Maqdisi wrote in the tenth century that the Beja were at that time Christians. Beja territories in the Eastern desert were made tributary by the Kingdom of Aksum in the third century. The Beja were Islamized beginning in the 15th century. The now-Islamic Beja participated in the further Muslim conquest of Sudan, expanding southward

Using the army in ADLG

  • It's all about the camels - a Poor Mans Tuareg, easier to control but sill short on comand pips overall
  • Terrain choice is a tricky one - have too many dunes and you can telegraph yur own camel movements to the enemy. Or bluff them elsewhere!

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Burton Doubles 2022
2 LCm Bow
6 Camelry
6 Impetuous Swordsmen
2 LH Impact
3 Cv Elite Impact
3 LF Bow
6 Camelry
2 LCm Bow
2 Bowmen
2 Medium Swordsmen
3 Impact Cavalry Medium
1 Javelinman
2 LH IMpact
2 LF Bow