

Historical Overview Section

The Germanic rulers in early medieval Britain relied upon the infantry supplied by a regional levy, or fyrd, and it was upon this system that the military power of the several kingdoms of early Anglo-Saxon England depended. The fyrd was a local militia in the Anglo-Saxon shire, in which all freemen had to serve. Those who refused military service were subject to fines or loss of their land.

Historians are divided on whether or not the fyrd included thegns and mercenaries. Initially the force probably would have been entirely infantry. However, from Alfred's time there would have been a force of mounted infantry, who could gallop swiftly to any trouble spot, dismount, and drive off any raiding force. Also, after Alfred's reorganisation there were two elements to his army. The first known as the select-fyrd was, most likely, a strictly royal force of mounted infantry consisting mainly of thegns and their retainers supported by earls and reeves. The second would be the local militia or general-fyrd responsible for the defence of the shire and borough district and would consist of freemen, such as small tenant farmers and their local thegns and reeves. In the 11th century the infantry was strengthened by the addition of an elite force of housecarls.

More recent research, however, suggests that there was only a select-fyrd, in which the mounted element was provided by Wessex

Using the army in ADLG

  • Not a great deal to love about this army, unless they are fighting a charging lancer opponent who chooses to impale themselves on the mass of spearmen
  • Maximising the light foot, and taking included Commanders in the Armoured Elite infantry who are permitted seems like the only 2 real hints worth mentioning

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army

200 Points from Southend
2 Nobles Heavy Cavalry Elite
6 Select Fyrd Heavy Spearmen ----
1 Great Fyrd Heavy Spearmen Mediocre
1 Skirmishers Light Infantry Bow ------
1 Skirmishers Light Infantry Sling ----
Ordinary Included
1 Nobles Heavy Spearmen Armour Elite
4 Select Fyrd Heavy Spearmen ----
1 Great Fyrd Heavy Spearmen Mediocre
1 Skirmishers Light Infantry Bow ------
1 Skirmishers Light Infantry Sling ----
2 Great Fyrd Levy ------
Ordinary Included
1 Nobles Heavy Spearmen Armour Elite
4 Select Fyrd Heavy Spearmen ------
2 Skirmishers Light Infantry Javelin ----

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