
Arab Indian

Historical Overview Section

Initial incursions by the Arab armies into Transoxia on the borders of India were aimed at Bukhara (673) and Samarqand (675) but political upheavals of the Umayyad caliphate prevented this going into India proper for almost a century. A decade of rapid military progress under the leadership of the new governor of Khurasan, Qutayba ibn Muslim included conquest of Bukhara and Samarqand in 706–712, although again the expansion lost its momentum when Qutayba was killed during an army mutiny and the Arabs were placed on the defensive by an alliance of Sogdian and Türgesh forces with support from Tang China. However, reinforcements from Syria helped turn the tide and most of the lost lands were reconquered by 741 when this list almost starts. Muslim rule was consolidated a decade later when a Chinese-led army was defeated at the Battle of Talas (751). There were also sporadic incursions by Arab generals in the direction of India in the 660s and a small Arab garrison was established in the arid region of Makran in the 670s, the first large-scale Arab campaign in the Indus valley occurred when the general Muhammad bin Qasim invaded Sindh in 711 after a coastal march through Makran. Three years later the Arabs controlled all of the lower Indus valley. Most of the towns seem to have submitted to Arab rule under peace treaties, although there was fierce resistance in other areas, including by the forces of Raja Dahir at the capital city Debal. Arab incursions southward from Sindh were repulsed by armies of Gurjara and Chalukya kingdoms, and further Islamic expansion was checked by the Rashtrakuta empire, which gained control of the region shortly after

Using the army in ADLG

  • This can be used as a wall-o-crap army, with big solid blocks of Heavy Foot Spearmen and Irregular Warband driving down the centre to occupy the enemy's attention whilst Impact horse overhwelm their flanks with sheer numbers.
  • The Elephant is sort of a must
  • Impact Cavalry are devent even if Medium, or even Medoicre s they get an extra factor at contact (or hitting someone in the flank)

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Sighian Dubh 2023
1 Supported Mediocre Spear
2 LH Javelin
1 MCv Inferior
Ordinary Unreliable General
4 Supported HI Spear
1 Bowman
3 HCv Impact
1 LH Javelin
1 Poor MCv
1 LF Bow
4 Med Sword Impetuous
1 Elephant Superior
1 Bowman
3 LF Javelin
1 LH Javelin
1 HCv Impact
1 Med Sword
Brilliant General

Britcon 2022 (V4)
1 Indian Elephant Elephant elite
3 Arab Infantry heavy spearmen support ------
1 Arab Infantry heavy spearmen ------
1 Hindu archers bowmen ------
1 Hindu archers light infantry bow ----
2 Hindu warriors medium swordsmen impetuous ----
1 Hindu Javelinmen javelinmen ----
2 Arab Horsemen Heavy cavalry impact ------
2 Hindu Horsemen medium cavalry mediocre
1 Hindu Horsemen light cavalry javelin ------
1 Hindu archers bowmen ------
1 Hindu archers bowmen mediocre
2 Hindu Warriors medium swordsmen impetuous ----
2 Arab horsemen heavy cavalry impact ------
2 Hindu horsemen medium cavalry mediocre
1 Hindu horsemen light cavalry javelin ------
2 Hindu archers bowmen ------

Julians 2 lists - Worlds 2018
1 Indian cavalry Light cavalry javelin ------
2 Indian cavalry Medium cavalry Mediocre
2 Arab Horsemen Medium cavalry impact Mediocre
1 Hindu with bow Bowmen ------
1 Hindu with javelin Javelinmen ----
1 Elephant Elephant ------
3 Hindu with sword Medium swordsmen impetuous
2 Light Infantry Bow Light infantry bow ------
1 Arab Horsemen Heavy cavalry impact ------
4 Arab Infantry Heavy spearmen missile support ----
1 Hindu with javelin Javelinmen ------
1 Hindu with bow Bowmen ----
1 Indian cavalry Medium cavalry Mediocre
1 Indian cavalry Light cavalry javelin ----
2 Indian cavalry Medium cavalry Mediocre
2 Arab Horsemen Medium cavalry impact Mediocre
1 Hindu with bow Bowmen ----
1 Hindu with javelin Javelinmen ----

1 Indian cavalry Light cavalry javelin ------
2 Indian cavalry Medium cavalry Mediocre
2 Arab Horsemen Heavy cavalry impact ------
2 Hindu with bow Bowmen ------
2 Hindu with sword Medium swordsmen impetuous ----
1 Elephant Elephant
2 Hindu with sword Medium swordsmen impetuous
1 Light Infantry Bow Light infantry bow
1 Hindu with bow Bowmen
4 Arab Infantry Heavy spearmen
1 Hindu with javelin Javelinmen
1 Indian cavalry Light cavalry javelin ----
2 Indian cavalry Medium cavalry Mediocre
2 Arab Horsemen Heavy cavalry impact ------
2 Hindu with bow Bowmen ----

200 points from Derby 2017
3 Arab Horseman Heavy cavalry impact ------
2 Arab Infantry Heavy spearmen missile support ------
1 Hindu Horseman Medium cavalry Mediocre
1 Hindu Horseman Light cavalry javelin ------
1 Hindu with bow Bowmen ------
1 Hindu with Javelin Javelinmen ------
2 Arab Horseman Heavy cavalry impact ------
2 Arab Infantry Heavy spearmen missile support ------
1 Hindu Horseman Medium cavalry Mediocre
1 Hindu Horseman Light cavalry javelin ------
1 Hindu with bow Bowmen ------
1 Hindu with Javelin Javelinmen ------
1 Hindu with bow Bowmen ------
1 Hindu with Javelin Javelinmen ------
1 Hindu Elephant Elephant ------
1 Hindu with bow Bowmen Mediocre
1 Light Infantry bow Light infantry bow ------
1 Levy Levy ------
2 Hindu with sword Medium swordsmen impetuous ------

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